
I went to my uncle Sonny’s house the other day and the title topic came up. He told me that he knew a fellow who “left the schmuck on” his son. He felt bad for the son and expressed concern that the kid was going to suffer when he got older.

“Poor kid’s gonna suffer.”

I was with Peachpit the other day (minus Hannah) and I told them about this. I explained that I understand that it’s a bit more hygienic to have the tip cut off, but I wouldn’t necessarily agree that someone being left in a more natural state was going to suffer. I wouldn’t use the word suffer.

Louis brought up the Jewish circumcision ritual. We all agreed it was weird, but it’s really not any weirder than circumcision in general. Cutting the tip of the fucking penis OFF. Additionally, Louis reminded us of the common theory that the uncircumcised have better feeling during intercourse. (I considered simply using sex in that last sentence, but couldn’t resist. Sorry. INTERCOURSE. Of course.)

“My Dad was circumcised down by the river.”

That’s what Jason said. Seriously. He explained that his father took him to the river where the procedure took place.

“His sanitation was jumping in the river.”

Author: Aaron

Aaron lives in Texas right now.

2 thoughts on “Circumcision”

  1. Only some foreskin is cut off. The suffering come from approaching at trough at the ballpark with a tube worm. Plus your blog’s name should probably be changed to gwarticles.

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